
,Onavideo'swatchpage,selectSettings.SelectSpeed.Selectthespeedatwhichyou'dlikethevideotoplay.,Gotoavideo.HoverovertheplayerandclickSettings.ClickSpeed.Selectthespeedatwhichyou'dlikethevideotoplay.Tofastforward:.,YoutubePlaybackSpeedControl,thisspeedcontrolextensionwasdesignedspecificallyforYouTubevideos.ItworksnotonlyforvideosonYouTubebutalsofor ...,2023年1月12日—Controlspeedoftheyoutubeplayba...

Speed up or slow down YouTube videos

On a video's watch page, select Settings . Select Speed. Select the speed at which you'd like the video to play.

Speed up or slow down YouTube videos

Go to a video. Hover over the player and click Settings . Click Speed. Select the speed at which you'd like the video to play. To fast forward:.

Top 6 Video Speed Controller Extensions for Chrome ...

Youtube Playback Speed Control, this speed control extension was designed specifically for YouTube videos. It works not only for videos on YouTube but also for ...

Youtube Playback Speed Control

2023年1月12日 — Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '+' to increase and '-' to decrease the playback speed. [ Added functionality ...

Youtube Speed Control – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

2022年8月24日 — Control speed of the youtube playback using the keyboard. Press '+' to increase and '-' to decrease the playback speed.

YouTube Speed Control 延伸套件

2022年4月11日 — The one-stop solution for changing the speed of every video you watch on YouTube, including embedded ones! (I.e. not on

YouTube Speed Controls

2023年9月4日 — ... Control the speed of YouTube videos using the ` key. Flick between normal (1x), 2x and 3x playback speed. Usage: - Click ` (the grave accent ...

YouTube影片如何加速播放?加快3倍或5倍速度可能嗎?用 ...

YouTube Speed Controls是一款Google Chrome瀏覽器擴充外掛,也是目前我認為功能最簡單容易操作的影片播放加速工具,可以讓你在觀看YouTube影片時快速切換播放速度,分別有 ...


Youtube Playback Speed Control是專門為YouTube影片開發的插件。它不僅僅適用於YouTube平臺上的影片,對其他網站內嵌入的YouTube影片也有效。安裝插件之後可以用快捷鍵 ...